Sunday, 15 November 2020

Want to learn PHYSICS from Zero to, at least, Graduate Level ?

Susan Fowler wrote a wonderful blog regarding books that you have to read and follow regularly to become an expert in the field of physics. I do not feel any requirement to add anything else. Just read this and start your own journey with physics.

How to read and write RESEARCH PAPERS.

 Now It is not a surprise that being in the business of research you have to read and write a lot of research papers so I found some articles on the internet in this regard, enjoy them.




Sunday, 26 July 2020

Pleasure in thinking about a hair on my hand.

Now just look at this one hair on your hand and think about it. This small hair is a solid material made up of thousands and thousands of atoms. There are electrons, protons, neutrons, photons, and many other elementary particles in every atom. There are a lot of activities going on inside that hair which is almost stationary for you. Just that single hair on your hand gives you a lot of information about the universe which we are living in. This always reminds me that how limited we humans are. Everything is always in front of our eyes but we are unable to realize it. I always feel pleasure to think about it. Now Just sit and think about it, just feel how beautiful it is.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

What Physics Exactly Is ? What people called physicist do? What are the fundamental techniques and methods for doing physics?

We all have many questions in our mind regarding physics during our learning of this subject and the most common question is, What physics exactly is? We all read books and listen to lectures on topics related to physics but our books mostly tell us about that particular topic on which they are written. There are very few books and authors who tell us what physics exactly is and what people are doing who claim themselves to be a physicist. Now I will try to share my understanding and views on what physics exactly is? 
In a very simple language, physics is one of the branches of natural science which deals with the physical properties of the stuff there in the universe. Now the question is what is other than physical in the universe and the answer is that we don't know exactly, but we believe that everything out there is physical and we somehow will be able to detect it (there is a subject called philosophy which assumes that there is something beyond physical). Other than that, we don't know exactly why and how but, there is another phenomenon called life, to which we humans consider separately. But at the very fundamental level, this phenomenon also seems to be physical. So very safely we can say that physics is the study of almost everything out there in the universe. 
Now before going further, let me tell you what methods these particular humans called physicists use to know more about the universe, and it's not any magical method but, it's just very straightforward that the idea or the information they have about the stuff in the universe must be experimentally verified. Now the question is how they generate the ideas or information which they verify through experiments? That's the job of a physicist. They do observations, experiments, and a lot of guessing based on the previous information they have.
So doing physics is doing experiments, observations, and guessing based on the previous data and information.
Written by Vikrant Kumar.
Note: I will edit it in the future to complete it so till then think about what I have written and enjoy.